Thursday, March 31, 2005

Evangelics: Mind Your Business

It never ceases to amaze me when I see perfect strangers to the Shiavo family rallying outside of Terri's hospice (since it's become a popular media frenzy) violently imposing their moral convictions on the world, yet not willing to share in her medical expenses, I'll bet.

Now that Terri's been given a reprieve from 15 years in a vegetative state, will these protest continue to take their fight to Congress or go home to tend to their own families and local community affairs?

I sometimes wonder how on earth does a parent not know when their own children are doing drugs, spreading HIV and other STDs through promiscuous sex to other kids, or ordering rifles with their credit cards on the Internet.

Well, it's very likely that these "concerned" self-appointed moral watchdogs (they're likely the evangelical Christians that the Bush administration is so eager to pander to) are probably busy minding other people's business instead of their own.