Thank you Democrats and bloggers. You finally got your sh%*t together!
Can you stand it? It's almost too much that a black man will be sauntering into the White House with his personal run the show, and not to clean up after the Republicans.
I am amazed and grateful for voting today. Well worth the effort and the wait.
Soak it in America. It's official Barak Obama is our president and can take his rightful official dump in the White House crapper. First the Cosby Show, now this.
History books will be re-written for disillusioned children of color in this country. Thank God!
Let's push forward and see this throughout his term, in good times and in bad.
Ok, Oprah and Bill Cosby, we're ready for your address to a nation in awe. This is the "shock and awe" we can be proud of.
Now for the victory speech: