Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bush Does It Again...

Why is it that each time there's a photo op of George W. Bush signing a treaty, I piss my pants?

That may be because Bush has yet to commit this nation to a long-term agreement that's political, social, or environmentally sound.

Here we see him signing a nuclear bill will India, which allows U.S. companies to profit from selling nuclear reactors and material to India.

Now, he'll push this as an effort to boost our economy, but in the likely event that the U.S. government manages to piss them off, this policy may indeed bite the U.S. in the ass, as India has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Crazy, but true, our government has signed another treaty with self-destructive potential.

Profit first...political ramifications and long-term contigency planning last, seems to be the foundation for our current administration's mode of operation.