Before you completely surrender to the overwhelming power of the corporate media floodgates, and accept your prescribed position of the disenfranchised US citizen, please note that there are others among you who choose empowerment.
The mainstream media whores would like us all to believe that all Palestinians and Hezbollah are the sole aggressors of the current mideast tensions, which is rapidly expanding into an all out World War III.
This weekend (Sat., July 29, 2006)
there's a massive rally planned across the Brooklyn Bridge that touts the contrary. The voice of opposition will be heard--at least by residential citizens and independent news sourses.
The predominant outcry will not be the scripted refrain of how Israelis are the perpetual victims that merit the unconditional support of all US citizens. Rather, New Yorkers will dare to tell Israel to stop your fucking parasitic, war-mongering greed for land at the risk of the lives of thousands of non-Jewish bystanders. Simply because George W. Bush is secured in the pockets of Israel, does not presume that we all follow suit.
In an all too costly civil war, millions of US citizens want the major news networks to discontinue its collective role in the pro-Israeli war propaganda. So the United States president, New York's Mayor Bloomberg happen to be stinking rich, part of the ruling class and will never have any criticism for the massive terrorist acts inflicted by Israel because of their personal interests.
So what? Although America has regressed to McCarthyism, I
think we can still salvage ways to freely express opposing views without being arrested (I am fully aware that this statement is dangerously to being dated material by the time you get to read it).
Yes...it's okay to say Israeli and US troops are collectively active participants in terrorism also.
I make no apologies for saying so. I know that Israel has been carrying the victimhood flag for as long as I can remember there being mideast conflicts. All throughout, the US government has fully backed their misappropriated yelps, "misfired" missiles, and other military abuses. Historically, many African-Americans have and still do hide behind the disabling crutches of victimhood, asking for reparations. Do you see our government pouring billions of dollars into it? Hell no! If the US government is gonna waste billions of American citizen dollars, at least be consistant squanderers. But I guess the Black Christian churches don't carry enough monetary clout in this country to sustain the interests of George W.
Is it so surprising that the global reaction to the US (like Russia and Germany) is one of sheer mockery and disgust?
I'm not saying that doing your part means that you need to be at the rallies and pepper-sprayed by cops to legitimize your beliefs. But you can spread your own blogs, email corporate networks like Fox News, Bill O'Reily's show, and let them know that you, your friends and family members refuse to watch their corporate-sponsored yellow journalism. Then be on the asses of those flip-flop democrats in Congress to make sure that they do their part (if they're indeed the
only legitimatized representative for everyone outside of George Bush's regime) to keep public broadcasting alive.
We can either do our parts as free-thinking citizens by spreading the word so that the inculcated collective consciousness will snap out of this mass cultural hypnosis, or join the mainstream snooze...until of course, you're woken up by missiles landing on your American doorstep.