Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Land of Free Speech!

A recent poll has shown that 40 percent of Canadian teens have said that they consider the United States to a be a force for evil in the world. 64 percent of French-Canadians called America a force for evil. Greg Lyle, the pollster who conducted the phone survey said that the Canadians were reacting to the U.S. governents belligerence and warmongering.

It's nice to see someplace where you can freely express anti-war sentiments without being crucified by Fox Network.

The sentiments seemed to peak since the Iraq war started. Folks, are we surprised that this is the growing response throughout the world with General Dubya running things?
My reaction is, where can more Americans get a dose of that Canadian enlightening pill? And quickly, so that we can vote him out of the White House!

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