Thursday, November 18, 2004

Here's A Reality Show

In a bold statement contrary to the predominently infectious US propaganda, France's president Jacques Chirac continues to paint a realistic outlook of Bush's war for the world.

In a statement to the BBC last night (Wed., 11/17/04), he said, "I'm not at all sure that one can say the world is safer. There is no doubt there has been an increase in terrorism. To a certain extent Saddam Hussein's departure was a positive thing but it also provoked reaction such as the mobilisation in a number of countries of men and women of Islam which has made the world more dangerous."

It's no stretch for a free-thinking individual to piece together the likelihood of violent acts resulting in retaliatory violence. Yes, more insurgents or vigilant opposers of a hostile occupation by foreigners.

Chirac also told the BBC that he urged Britain, before the invasion, to press George Bush to revive the Middle East peace process before offering their support. Chirac stated, "Well, Britain gave its support but I did not see much in return. I am not sure that it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favours systematically."

Historically, arrogance and a hunger for power was hardly a key ingredient for successful progressive movements.

Meanwhile, the death toll for US troops from assaults in Fallujah and surrounding regions is 91, while there is no indication that Fallujah resistence fighters are backing down.

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