Monday, November 08, 2004

More War for the People

Here's an Iraqi girl trying to block out the piercing sounds of explosions and death in Fallujah, where US troops have launched an all-out "offensive" strike to purge insurgents.

So how do we know that the psychological and physical damages inflicted on thousands of Iraqi children like this little girl, isn't creating future generations of insurgents?
I don't see how weekly assaults around horrified civilians is acceptable for any society.
How would New Yorkers or civilians in Ohio handle their counties being transformed into war zones?

I'm inclined to believe that their would be vigiliant backlashes from residents also and that the distinction between resistent civilians who have been violated and terrorists would also be blurred.

It appears that we are a long ways off from seeing an end to the havoc that Bush and his extremist Republican right regime will advocate over the next four years, which will have long-term global effects far beyond the commander and chief's final term.

BTW: Since the beginning of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000, the estimated number of deaths is approximately 4,563, including 3,259 Palestinians and 960 Isrealis--with the advantage of US governmant backing of course. Not to mention the deaths tolls of US soldiers, allied military troops and prisoners of war.

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