Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"The Ruler Thanks The Non-Thinking Man"

"The ruler is thankful for the non-thinking man." --Adolf Hitler.

It's an awful shame that complacency and in-action will set the tone for the next four years of Bush's imperialist movement, but I will at least take comfort in the knowledge that I am not one of those complainers who didn't get out my vote. I wish to congratulate all the New Yorkers who made their voices heard and overwhelmingly rejected George W. Bush.

If you're feeling anything like I'm feeling, you're probably repulsed incensed by the irrational logic that Bush supporters used to rationalize his re-election. Of course, most likely, these are the folks who have no personal attachment (like loved ones actually fighting the war in Iraq) to Bush's 'axis of evil' war.

Some good news: California has voted to put $3 billion into stem-cell research.

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