Monday, February 07, 2005

That's Entertainment

No, Condoleeza Rice did not finally do something different with her hair.

While many of us continue to put on a happy face at work to make next month's rent, others in Rio de Janeiro are donning real smiles as they kick off Carnival celebrations.

I guess some Americans would call yesterday's very sanitized pseudo-puritanical Super Bowl entertainment, celebratory, but I call it pathetic and conformist.

The reactionary outcry to last year's Super Bowl reveal of Janet Jackson's left breast during a half time performance is alarming to say the least. While the portion of conservative, religious right American's continue to successfully capitalize on their influence over advertisers, others are still licking wounded egos from the very dated George Bush presidential win.

Let's face it folks, old money talks and carries a lot of weight over merit in this country (i.e., heiress Paris Hilton's huge pop culture appeal) .
The viral spread of conservativism is a constitutional right, but not when it silences those who don't conform or offer challenges to the norm.

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