Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Is Sympathy Reserved for A Certain Group of Crime Victims?

I'll make this short and simple.
Missing white, blonde American girl (18) on vacation, two Black men suspected of her abduction, and the FBI are involved. Do we really need a trial to conclude that these men are as good as dead--trial or not?

How often are FBI agents in this country called in to find missing Black or Latino girls?
Will there ever be a point when mainstream journalists will pick up on the obscene, inequitable reporting standards set up to draw national attention towards white upper-middle-class crime victims, while the same crimes committed against poor people of color fade in comparison when it comes to media attention.

As if somehow justifying that crime should be stay within the limits of the poor working-class.
Although this may not be the intention on a conscious level, but it certainly perpetuates the ugly collective consciousness.

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