This isn't about getting us all to have the same thoughts and opinions. It's about us having our own informed thoughts and opinions and not being shitty bigoted humans. Let's just agree to not breed, raise or influence future shitty humans to inherit the planet.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Talk to the Animals
It comes as no surprise that research is proving how connected animals are to the earth.
China has now developed an earthquake prediction system that relies on the behavior of snakes.
Apparently snakes can sense earthquakes coming from up to 70 miles away.
This falls in line with the behavior of all animals when severe weather approaches. Birds behave erratically when thunder storms or tornadoes approach.
Before giant waves of the Sri Lanki tsunami hit the coastline, eyewitness accounts reported elephants screaming and heading for higher ground and dogs refusing to go outdoors.
If only we humans payed more attention to the animals, and our intuition, global fatalities would definitely minimize when natural disasters hit.
Witness the few instances where human logic and suppressing our fight-or-flight instincts can be hazzardous to our health.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Kreyole Mande Chanje
It always saddens me when I encounter news of more dis-repair and devastation in Haiti, where my mom still lives, who remains hopeful that things will get better.
At least five people were killed this past weekend in a slum raid targeting armed gang members in the Haiti's capitol, Port-au-Prince.
In the poorest region of the Western hemisphere, one has to wonder what could armed gang members possibly seek to gain from terrorizing the poor and keeping them in a constant state of desperation and fear?
It's not like there's any natural resources left that could sustain the economic interests of foreign governments, especially the U.S.
History has already shown that U.S. occupation and interest in the people of Haiti lasted only as long as there were resources to be drained.
Now that deforestation, corruption and social devastation has left Haiti bone dry, what possible interest could the United States have in saving a nation of poor African descendents?
So why do random civilian kidnappings and violence prevail? What government will defer to the ransom demands of Haitian gang members using other impoverished Haitians as collateral?
Why are the few remaining peacekeepers (the ones outside of the realm of corruption) still targets for violence and no significant head-way has been made?
It's still a massive social crisis that appears to have no resolution, at the cost of the existinction of a nation's very rich cultural and spiritual history.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Bush Does It Again...
Why is it that each time there's a photo op of George W. Bush signing a treaty, I piss my pants?
That may be because Bush has yet to commit this nation to a long-term agreement that's political, social, or environmentally sound.
Here we see him signing a nuclear bill will India, which allows U.S. companies to profit from selling nuclear reactors and material to India.
Now, he'll push this as an effort to boost our economy, but in the likely event that the U.S. government manages to piss them off, this policy may indeed bite the U.S. in the ass, as India has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Crazy, but true, our government has signed another treaty with self-destructive potential.
Profit first...political ramifications and long-term contigency planning last, seems to be the foundation for our current administration's mode of operation.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Covert Operations=Conservative Pervs
It seems that everytime Republican big whigs, like this fool, Florida Congressman, Mark Foley, are left to their own devices, like what we believe is running the damn country, they're doing some crazy ass bullsh*t on tax-payers' buck.
What's worse is, instead of taking ownership of the fact that Foley was chatting up teenage boys, he now conveniently medicalizes his vice by saying he was molested by a clergyman in his youth in order to garner sympathy.
Ah, the comfort of using victimhood as a scapegoat for personal perversions.
The sanctity of running to the religious right for protection.
Mess! My question is, with that mug, what teenage boy was he actually trying to tempt?
And with what?
Friday, September 15, 2006
Jesus for Jihad
Why is it that the Catholic Church has a natural talent for making tense situations tenser by spewing out unregulated inflamatory statements, based on antiquated texts?
The one time we hear from the ancient Pope Benedict XVI, he's out to start another Crusade based on his recent mindless speech, in Germany, no less.
Now you know it only took one misappropriated cartoon charicature from a tiny Swedish publication to tip off civil unrest and riots from Muslims worldwide.
Now, as the Pope, you're gonna comment at all about Jihad from 14th Centry text? Is the Bush administration writing speeches for the Pope now?
I hope at least Christian missionaries are keeping up with current events enough to know that the Middle East and the Muslim community is not your safest or smartest destination, at the moment, for the conversion agenda. If you're going out there for real peacekeeping or charitable purposes, do it unconditionally.
George Bush's family nor the Catholic Church will be going out there to retrieve you if you're kidnapped.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Warm, Strong and Creamy
Forget the fact that George W. Bush has pitted multiple nations of the free world in the compromising position of keeping the Middle East from blowing up the entire world.
Forget that in his classic facist sensibility, proclaimed that Israel has "won" their civil war with Hezbolah.
Today, I just want to share this light, fluffy video I found on the Yahoo pages.
One of my all-time favorite comfort foods, coffee, in all its frothy glory.
Friday, July 28, 2006
It's OK to say it, "Israeli Terrorists!"
The mainstream media whores would like us all to believe that all Palestinians and Hezbollah are the sole aggressors of the current mideast tensions, which is rapidly expanding into an all out World War III.
This weekend (Sat., July 29, 2006) there's a massive rally planned across the Brooklyn Bridge that touts the contrary. The voice of opposition will be heard--at least by residential citizens and independent news sourses.
The predominant outcry will not be the scripted refrain of how Israelis are the perpetual victims that merit the unconditional support of all US citizens. Rather, New Yorkers will dare to tell Israel to stop your fucking parasitic, war-mongering greed for land at the risk of the lives of thousands of non-Jewish bystanders. Simply because George W. Bush is secured in the pockets of Israel, does not presume that we all follow suit.
In an all too costly civil war, millions of US citizens want the major news networks to discontinue its collective role in the pro-Israeli war propaganda. So the United States president, New York's Mayor Bloomberg happen to be stinking rich, part of the ruling class and will never have any criticism for the massive terrorist acts inflicted by Israel because of their personal interests.
So what? Although America has regressed to McCarthyism, I think we can still salvage ways to freely express opposing views without being arrested (I am fully aware that this statement is dangerously to being dated material by the time you get to read it).'s okay to say Israeli and US troops are collectively active participants in terrorism also.
I make no apologies for saying so. I know that Israel has been carrying the victimhood flag for as long as I can remember there being mideast conflicts. All throughout, the US government has fully backed their misappropriated yelps, "misfired" missiles, and other military abuses. Historically, many African-Americans have and still do hide behind the disabling crutches of victimhood, asking for reparations. Do you see our government pouring billions of dollars into it? Hell no! If the US government is gonna waste billions of American citizen dollars, at least be consistant squanderers. But I guess the Black Christian churches don't carry enough monetary clout in this country to sustain the interests of George W.
Is it so surprising that the global reaction to the US (like Russia and Germany) is one of sheer mockery and disgust?
I'm not saying that doing your part means that you need to be at the rallies and pepper-sprayed by cops to legitimize your beliefs. But you can spread your own blogs, email corporate networks like Fox News, Bill O'Reily's show, and let them know that you, your friends and family members refuse to watch their corporate-sponsored yellow journalism. Then be on the asses of those flip-flop democrats in Congress to make sure that they do their part (if they're indeed the only legitimatized representative for everyone outside of George Bush's regime) to keep public broadcasting alive.
We can either do our parts as free-thinking citizens by spreading the word so that the inculcated collective consciousness will snap out of this mass cultural hypnosis, or join the mainstream snooze...until of course, you're woken up by missiles landing on your American doorstep.
Friday, June 02, 2006
U.S. "Progress" Report: Dumb-Ass Moves 101
The United States's notorious reputation for imperialistic invasions, plundering, bloodshed and dictatorial inculcation with disasterous consequences is now commonplace and anticipated when it comes to the agenda that drives US foreign policy.
Is it any wonder that the US is a primary terrorist target?
The Bush administration has clearly gotten this country (and the UK) into something it clearly cannot get out of without considering the significant long-term physical and psychological reprocussions.
Here are some more dumb-ass moves the US has initiated, which continues to compromise national security. Within the past 6 months alone, we've seen the Bush administration:
- Drag their feet in prosecuting US troops accused of heinous war crimes, George Bush, Jr. repeatedly appoint underqualified multi-millionaire friends, former corporate executives, and media moguls to high profile cabinet positions that have significant impacts on the lives of working class American citizens (and global citizens).
- United Nations international laws are repeatedly broken or ignored by the Bush administration.
- US troops are exempt from facing war tribunals.
- Prisoners of war and people captured under the Patriot Act are essentially imprisioned and guilty until proven innocent, or until the war against the axis of evil is over.
- As if our military and financial resources aren't compromised enough, the US continues to administer bold threats to Iran if they do not agree to suspend their uranium enrichment program. What nation has ever imposed its desire to enforcement containment standard on the United States when it comes to our government's nuclear arms supplies?
- Homeland Security Funding is cut significantly(Could it be the enormous multi-billion-dollar costs of this war?)
Wasn't the point of this war to catch Bin Laden and secure our borders, airports and ports?
Still Confused,
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Ayatollah to US: Don't Start None, Wont Be None
I'm no U.S. Embassador, but it's abundantly clear to me that Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is conveying a blunt warning to the Bush administration to step the F*@K off Iran's ass, otherwise, brace yourself for what's coming.
The bungling gnat of person this nation has "elected" president of the United States, is once again setting this nation up for another war based on trumped up evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
While the US economy is a mess, Americans can no longer afford to purchase homes in this country, corporations are phasing out retirement plans and American troops (mostly the poor working-class) are being maimed or killed in record numbers from the current war, GW Bush is again prepared to further deplete American resources to fight another war WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOOD.
When it comes to sacrificing the blood, labor and livlihood of the poor working-class, we are privy to the overwhelming generousity of GW.
Meanwhile, generous six-figure salaries await his two bitch-slag daughters right out of univeristy. Must be nice.
Do we really need to mix it up with Iran right now? Does anyone else feel like working-class whores for this administration, consumed by corporate media parlor tricks?
Tired of bitching and moaning about it while our little American dictatorship beats your ass red?
Here are some ways to empower yourself and take steps towards being proactive:
Impeach Bush
Haliburton Watch
Truth Out
Michael Moore
Democracy Now
Wake Up Call Radio
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bill Tells It Like It T-I-IS!
Again, I must applaud Bill Cosby for his outstanding stance on insisting that African-Americans be held accountable for their own moral decay. He remains unapologetic when it comes to stepping up to the plate and magnifying core issues behind social corruption, racial and class breakdown in African-American communities.
This past weekend, Cosby participated in a march in New Orleans with Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson rallying for the rights for Blacks to return to hurricane-devestated New Orleans and disenfranchised Black voters.
Faithful to his agenda, Bill Cosby held the mirror up to the collective consciousness of African-Americans who use the Katrina disaster, and the governments response to the poor, as a platform to cry victimization, and examined the collective actions (or rather inaction) of the community BEFORE hurricane Katrina hit. He points out that the moral fiber of the community was already in crisis and does not pretend to imply that the rash of victimization following the diaster excuses the pre-existing crime rate in these impoverished areas.
He insists, "It's painful, but we can't cleanse ourselves unless we look at the wound," Cosby told the rally of around 2,000 people. "Ladies and gentlemen, you had the highest murder rate, unto each other. You were dealing drugs to each other. You were impregnating our 13, 12, 11 year-old children."
I couldn't have put it better myself. Bravo Mr. Cosby!
Although it may hurt some folks to hear, the fact still remains, that going to Sunday services alone and dragging your kids or grandkids, kicking and screaming, is not enough to remedy the chronic tendancy for poor Black folks to gravitate towards a life of crime and idolizing designer clothes and rap lyrics riddled with mysogenous, homophobic, racist (i.e., nigga this or nigga that--not ok when black folks say it either) because they're either surrounded by it or take an active part in it under the guise of being 'underpriveledged'. Hey, someone's gotta point it out. Otherwise, we'll keep treating the consequences and not the root of the problems.
You can download Bill Cosby's entire speech online at:
Monday, April 3rd archive.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Onward Christian Soldiers
During a speech in West Virginia, Bush said the United States expects Afghan authorities "to honor the universal principle of freedom."
I REALLY don't understand why our lame-ass president simply cannot mind his wn damned business and focus on the numerous social and economic roblms that riddle the United States.
Again I submit the question, how did Lucifer's spawn get elected to be president of the United States?
The lies have not stopped, his friends at Haliburton are accumulating millions of dollars a year, the body count of American soldiers continues to rise, and social security in this country has faded. Am I the only person on this planet tired of seeing the Bush administration use God to justify all of his illegal activities?
How many more fraudulant claims and illegal activites have to be uncovered before this clown can be impeached?
Saturday, February 11, 2006
New Orleans to France?
Due to insufficient funds provided the U.S. government, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is now courting foreign dignitaries for relief aid.
While George W. Bush continues to court his wealthy financial cohorts in the oil industry over in Iraq, reality settles with the dust of Katrina's ruins in the streets of New Orleans.
Leveled property still awaits the barren fruits of George Bush's billion dollar pledge five months after the hurricane devasted the New Orleans community and former residents are now scattered throughout U.S. in displaced shelters with expired hospitality funds.
George W. Bush can handle war-mongering, but when it comes to his 'homeland's security', much is left to be desired and to the imagination.
While Jordan's King Abdullah and delegates of the French government, survey New Orleans and the job left undone by the U.S. government, Nagin employs some common sense as he now weighs his international options.
"France can take Treme. The king of Jordan can take the Lower Ninth Ward," he said, referring to two of the city's neighborhoods.
Now that's rich. I'm sure George W. Bush's Napoleanic ego will most certainly have problem with this.
Fidel..bring us your doctors AND your construction workers too!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Blatant US Propaganda? Hmmm....
The U.S. has a well-documented history of invasions and colonialization. Why would should we pretend that these this country has evolved behind Cold-War intimidation tactics?
In a "secret" US document, "Information Operations Roadmap," obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the document lays out the Pentagon's "need" to "administer electronic warfare and military deception."
With an invasion comes aggressive inclucation.
Yaaaawn...what else is new? There's another shocking revelation exposing the U.S. government as liars and misappropriators of power.