Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Onward Christian Soldiers

These days George W. Bush has got a new bee in his bonet over Afghan authorities who are trying 41 year-old Abdul Rahman for converting from Islam to Christianity.

During a speech in West Virginia, Bush said the United States expects Afghan authorities "to honor the universal principle of freedom."

I REALLY don't understand why our lame-ass president simply cannot mind his wn damned business and focus on the numerous social and economic roblms that riddle the United States.

Again I submit the question, how did Lucifer's spawn get elected to be president of the United States?

The lies have not stopped, his friends at Haliburton are accumulating millions of dollars a year, the body count of American soldiers continues to rise, and social security in this country has faded. Am I the only person on this planet tired of seeing the Bush administration use God to justify all of his illegal activities?

How many more fraudulant claims and illegal activites have to be uncovered before this clown can be impeached?

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