Thursday, September 16, 2004

Make Sure Dan Never Works In This Town Again!

The latest truth-sayer up for Bush Corporal Punishment is veteran CBS reporter Dan Rather for his untimely critique of Geroge W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.

CBS News stands by their 60 Minutes investigative report that Georgie squirmed his way out of service obligations and received preferencial treatment thanks to his family connections and obscene wealth.
CBS execs maintains that their claims are backed by interviews with former Texas National Guard officials, documents backed by independent handwritting and forensic experts, not to mention years of cummulative experience in investigative reporting.

It appears that Kitty Kelly's are not the only loose lips reporting on George W.'s priviledged lifestyle and blatant hypocracy. Again, we see the regressive trend of finger-pointing and the blurring of 60 Minutes's credibility on this particularly 'sensative' topic--more like off limits to any media outlets wishing to keep their corporate sponsorship, in classic McCarthyism-style.
Don't be surprised to see the very predictable response of corporate sponsors dropping their advertising dollars out of the CBS market.
If CBS execs collapse under the pressure, they'll to get Dan Rather to issue a formal apology of sort that will try to appease both Dan and 'the administration.'
Hey Dan, you should try your hand at public radio, but I warn you, it doesn't pay as much as you're used to.

It's unfortunate that the thousands of economicallly challenged Americans who are currently dropping off like flies in Bush's war don't have the same daddy priviledges that our 'commander-and-chief' had when it was time for him to answer his call to civic duty.

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