Thursday, October 07, 2004

My Country, My Media!

Stunned at the blatant disregard to his priviledged authority, George W. Bush reacted to his less-than-stellar performance at last week's debate by scheduling an impromptu sneak speech yesterday (Oct. 5) to boost his campaign momentum.

Under the guise of a "significant speech" on anti-terrorism, the entitled dictator somehow "convinced" cable networks (I believe it was CNBC or CNN-but I'll let you folks verify that) to give him an hour to spew his better rehearsed campaign diarreah sans the watchful eye of an impartial moderator and John Kerry, before Friday's second presidential debate.
Apparently the egos of cable network execs were also slightly wounded from being duped into believing that Bush really was going to announce a major anti-terrorism policy--not use his network time to give himself a jump start on the polls.

No, not our commander-n-cheif! BTW, once again another official report has verified that WMD stockpiles never existed in Iraq. Somehow, I still don't think that this is enough to convince die-hard Bush fans that our president may have manipulated facts in order to drive the war.

What more to do people need to shake them out of this alter-world where this president is not corrupt??

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