Monday, October 11, 2004

This Is Only An Illusion

By now you may have heard the rumors that George W. Bush was wearing a concealed earpiece during the first Bush-Kerry debate in FL.

Of course, no matter how many cameras managed to capture W's mystery bulge on his back, the Bush administration insists that what we are seeing is not what it appears to be.
In fact, they insist, what the camera caught was merely an unsightly bulge resulting from a poorly tailored suit.

Now if that indeed is the case, it appears that one would find that wearing a suit with its hanger attached would be more comfortable than sporting that posterior hump for a televised event. Despite this blantant refusal to own up to a very visible anomaly, still a very sizable cross section of the US population continue to pledge their allegiance to George W. Bush--Grand Puba of 'family values,' self-interests, and the war against evil.

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