Saturday, July 17, 2004

Martha to Celebrate Light Sentence with an Orgy for the Devil...On a Bed of Cash

It must be nice to be part of that elite branch of society to whom appropriate federal penal codes do not apply. Now let me get this straight. Martha Stewart is proven to have lied and deceited law enforcers, and she admits to having treated her staff like shit, yet she may or may not get to serve a measly five month jail sentence based on the premise that many people's liveliehood depend on her freedom.  Do I have the story straight?
Please feel free to chime in to correct me if I'm confused about how justice works in our society.
And she has the NERVE to compare herself to Nelson Mandela! I'm sorry, did I miss the part of her self-serving get-richer scam that promoted anti-apartheid
Meanwhile, enter Elaine Bartlett, a poor black woman who lost 16 years of her life and her childrens' lives, imprisoned under the Rockefeller Drug Laws.  She risked smuggling 4 ounces of cocaine in order to make $2500 to cover the cost of her rent and raising 4 children. 
But all's fair in white-collar crime. 
Once again US law has upheld its long history of setting seperate standards of law enforcement for the wealthy and for the rest of us. How convenient for Martha. My heart goes out for our poor 'misunderstood' former stock broker/friggin' millionairess-wench.
Decoupage *#@!! this Martha!

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