VP first-lady Lynne Cheney is no novice to the coercive arts. Her calculated methodology of inculcating conservative Protestant values into America's school children is one of Cheney's many strengths. Regardless of the many diverse cultural ideologies and traditions that America's school children are reared with, Mrs. Cheney had, has and will continue to a have a say in what they
should incorporate into their belief systems.
Her history as an outspoken conservative who uses her wealth and media connections to further her right-wing agenda, rivals that of her husband Dick Cheney.
In her interview with Matt Lauer on yesterday's (11/9/04) Today Show, she capitalized on her national broadcast opportunity to promote her new children's book,
America: A Patriotic Primer, for "young patriots."
She then proceeded to tie her book with the war in Iraq and how the US military presence in Iraq is akin to the great American battles led by our first president George Washington.
Assuming the authoritarian position of self-appointed interpreter for the masses and embattled factions in Iraq, she continued with claims distinguishing "our" troops' fight being a righteous one--as if there are ever jusitifiable wars--and the other side (civilians included) be damned because we're the freedom fighters.
One of the reasons why Mrs. Cheney's warped sentiments of nationalism or die has such staying power is her massive influence on media outlets and her target (although not exclusively) faith-based, conservative audience's passivity about it.
If you recall, Mrs. Cheney is the former head of The National Endowment for the Humanities, where she helped fund the National History Standards (with the Dept. of Education).
This was considered a progressive step towards improving the way American public schools teach history to an increasingly diversified student body; until Cheney denounced the finished product back in 1994, with her publication,
The End of History, causing a huge media blitz and uproar among education reformers.
Why? Mrs. Cheney had a problem with the Standard's " '
grim and gloomy' monument to political correctness. She pronounced the standards project a disaster for giving insufficient attention to Robert E. Lee and the Wright brothers and far too much to obscure figures (such as Harriet Tubman) or patriotically embarrassing episodes (such as the Ku Klux Klan and McCarthyism)."--G.B. Nash.
You can read the details in
Gary B. Nash's article in The History News Network.
"Beware the historian," applies to anyone who chooses to recall any event that could potentially be interpreted as legacy depending on its circulation and its impact on the masses.
The cautionary quote implies that all historical claims and its sources should be up for scrutiny before it's institutionalized.
This includes myself, anchorpersons, educators, etc.
Selective historical documentation can be enticing that way. It's really up to the historian's discretion what portions of events he/she will emphasize or gloss over.
For instance, Lynne Cheney chooses to highlight her childrens book and conservative values to the masses whenever she wishes. She probably won't use her platform on The Today Show to talk about her very racey (at least by most conservative standards) and not-so-Christian conservative historical romance novel
Sisters (1981, Penguin Group), which included topics such as brothels, attempted rapes, and a lesbian love affair. It's not the kind of book that would strengthen her standing with the conservative right.
I, however, have no problem using this public forum to put forth this information as it serves my purpose, which is to highlight Mrs. Cheney's selective usage of her self-portrayed moral superiority image to further her conservative agenda.
Collective amnesia should not deprive the masses of more balanced perspectives on subjects simply because mainstream media coverage is lacking.
Too often people unconsciously give up their critical thinking capacities for spoon-fed information that's widely held as factual simply because the source is "the news," or devicive media moguls like Cheney.
The newest victims--our children.